Yabu city, Hyogo is designated as national strategic special zone (NSSZ), also known as the birthplace of the broiler industry and the “Tajima Brand Beef”. Mainly utilizing food residue and livestock manure from food processing factories or livestock farmers inside and outside of Hyogo prefecture, we process the feedstock with anaerobic digestion and generate power. Digestive juice that is produced as by-product after power generation has a good quality and can be utilized as less expensive organic fertilizer for the local produced special cultivated rice and other vegetables.
In addition, this power plant has a dedicated and unique technology to utilize poultry manure that is usually not suitable for the biogas power generation, and thus it can contribute to save labor for the livestock manure treatment. For liquid fertilizer that was processed through cyclic water treatment can be used for the diluted water for the fermentation tank and cycle-used in a facility. This power generation system is environmentally conscious.
Adjacent to the power plant, there is a tomato greenhouse that has the cutting-edge agricultural technology. With this latest greenhouse cultivation technology, we can provide stable supply of tomatoes to establish a brand for Yabu city.
Both “Anaerobic Digestion Biogas Power Plant” and “Plant Facility” can contribute to create employment in the local area, provide solution for livestock manure disposal issues, and support the local farming industry by supplying the organic fertilizer. Each facility produce the synergy and it can be a model project of local production for local consumption.
Impacts on Combining Biomass Power Plant and Agribusiness
・Creating Job Opportunity for local people.(esp. use of seniors)
・Increasing the numbers of livestock by saving labor and cost for the livestock manure treatment
・Contribution to the local agriculture and farmers by providing cheap organic fertilizer.
・Use as an environmental friendly facility
・Cutting-edge agricultural production by effective use of energy.
Facility Map
Facility Image-
Facility Overview
Name of the Facility
1155, Oyabu, Yabu-city, Hyogo (See the map above)
Approximately 9,000㎡
Power Generation Capacity
1426kW (≒1,800 General households)
Annual Power Production
≒12,000MW(24 hours 350 days Operation)
Livestock manure, Food residue, Vegetable Oil
Method of Power Generation
Wet Medium Temperature Anaerobic Digestion
Digestate, Organic fertilizer
Owner of the Project
Toyo Yabu Bioenergy Co., Ltd.
Toyo Construction Co., Ltd.
Plant Design
Toyo Energy Solution Co., Ltd.
Yabu Biogas Power Plant
About Fertilizer
The liquid after yielding the biogas is called “digestate”, and the solid separated from digestate is called “solid fertilizer”. Both fertilizers are organic fertilizer and useful for farming.
Digestate (Prompt Effect)
The digestate is temporarily stored in a storage tank and sent to the farmland by vacuum vehicle, and sprayed on the paddy field and dry-field after harvesting using liquid manure spreader. After application of the digestate and quickly mixing with the soil (plowing), it can use nitrogen effectively. It can also be used as additional fertilization and to paddy field, dry-field and many more.
Solid Compost is made immediately after anaerobic digestion and has the same fertilizing effect as fully ripe compost mixed with a quick-acting liquid fertilizer.
Positive Impact and Advantages
・Substitute for chemical fertilizer
・Feedstock is livestock manure and food residues. It is an organic fertilizer.
・Contribute to labor reduction because business owner themselves spray the liquid fertilizer using the spreader
・Cost of the fertilizer will be reduced.
Greenhouse Vegetable
Tajima Rice
Our group company TOYO Yabu Agricultural Production Corporation sells special cultivation rice (Tajime Produced Koshihikari) utilizing organic fertilizer (digestate) produced at TOYO Yabu Bio Energy Co., Ltd. and this special cultivation rice is sold at “Michi no Eki, Youka Tajima gura” なお、電力の原料は市内の畜産農家の畜ふんや食品加工会社の食品残渣を利用し、発電施設より生成される消化液は特別栽培米の他、野菜栽培にも使用されます。 The feedstock for the power generation is livestock manure and food residues from local farmers and food processing company. The digestive juice produced at power plant is used as fertilizer for special cultivation rice as well as vegetable production.
Tajima no Okome (Koshihikari produced in Tajima)" has been certified as Hyogo Anshin Brand. In addition, Koshihikari from the northern part of Hyogo Prefecture was awarded a special A rating for the third year in a row in the food quality ranking of rice produced in 2009 by the Japan Grain Inspection Association.
Eating Quality Examination Ranking-Blended Koshihikari Rice from various production area as a standard, designate the rice under test that has a better quality compared with this standard as “Special A”
Hyogo Anshin Brand Certification Criteria: Products that meet all of the following three criteria will be certified.
a. "Individuality/Features": The product must have individuality and features such as environmentally friendly production methods and quality. Any of the following (a) through (c) must be confirmed. (a) The product has individuality and features (*1) related to production methods. *1. Efforts and innovations of the producer, such as consideration for the environment, and other production methods (b) Characteristics and features of taste and other qualities (*2) (b) It has characteristics and features related to taste and other qualities (*2) It has characteristics and features related to seasonality, taste components, texture, etc. (c) It has characteristics and features (*3) that are highly trusted by the citizens of the prefecture. (3) Regional characteristics (local specialty), way of eating (cooking method, etc.), history, etc. (b) "Ensuring safety": Compliance with legal standards such as the Food Sanitation Law (*4). The prefectural government conducts inspections at the application and retail stages to confirm that the products are safe. c. "Fostering a sense of security": A system is in place for producers to disclose their production history. The individual characteristics of "Safety Brand" agricultural products are as follows: (a) Only the production method is checked. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides must be reduced by at least 50%, and pesticide residues must be less than one-tenth of the national standard. We will provide maintenance and contract services to support long-term stable operation and management with one-stop services.